
An exclamation used when someone has been roasted or otherwise beaten.

Often used ironically to show that you're joking
by Phoenix Fire 18 December 16, 2018
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An exclamation yelled after someone is completely owned by a comeback or statement.
Person 1: "Well what do you mean she's a slut? You just mean, this girl, she's a bit... loose?"

Person 2: "Well her pants are loose"

Person 3: "GOTTEM"
by Kris. April 20, 2008
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Person 1: I spilled something on my pants!
Person 2: *looks down*
Person 1: ๐Ÿ‘Œ gottem
by Abbydactyl January 28, 2019
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Your not supposed to look at the fingers, below the waist! how many times do i have to tell you!
Jonny said he had hurt his foot, but when Timmy looked at his foot, Jonny said "gottem!" and Timmy began to cry after being punched in the arm by Jonny.
by Jon S February 29, 2004
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A word describing all things good in the world. The opposite of fiddle. Gottem originated in the Asian portions of New Jersey and had spread to be a world-wide phenomenon. It can be heard in the songs Teach Me How To Gottem, All I Do Is Gottem, and Gottem Good. All math teachers' least favorite word.
Math Teacher: The answer is 69.
Fiddler: Fiddle!
Gottemmer: Gottem!
Math Teacher: Stop with the gottem!
Gottemmer: But all I do is gottem!
by I'm The Gottem King December 17, 2011
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An asian kids favorite word that he yells after everything. Opposite of fiddler.
Asian kid: Stop fiddling around. You have to be gottem.
Other kid: whatever
by jjj9991 November 12, 2011
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What you yell when you grab a fine girls ass or tits.
When I grabbed Christel's tits, he yelled "GOTTEM!"
by andrew June 28, 2003
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