"Get the fuck outta here you goddam whetto!"
by Mattie S. July 13, 2005
An area with all the familiar signs of a ghetto(shitty houses,broken down cars,high crime,high drug use)but most of the residents are white.
Usually a large trailer park or shitty Apartment complex
Usually a large trailer park or shitty Apartment complex
by Dewey1991 August 18, 2007
where rich urban white kids live and try to act all ghetto even though they live in the O.C. and their parents are all rich and their neighborhoods are lined with trees and nice houses.
Skylor looks like he's from the streets but look at his drivers license and you see he just tries to act ghetto, knowing damn well he just whetto.
by fuckface October 9, 2004
People who live in the whetto are often "wiggers" or "wangsters" it is a form of a wanna be ghetto life style place.
Sean "Those wiggers and wangsters living on first street are so from the whetto!"
Douglas "yeah i know G they all walk around with paintball guns disquised as real homey guns"
Douglas "yeah i know G they all walk around with paintball guns disquised as real homey guns"
by Bulbs March 25, 2006
anyone who is "wanna-be ghetto". They usually live in small towns, with absolutly no area that can be called the "Ghetto". Comes from the "w" in wanna-be and the "hetto" in ghetto.
Tina: Ew. Look at Donna. She's totally decked out in Baby Phat even though she lives in the suburbs.
Julie: I know, she's so whetto.
Julie: I know, she's so whetto.
by Dayle K May 10, 2008