having a fear of any food not bought at Whole Foods Market. generally vegans, vegetarians, and Whole Foods addicts are most prone to this disease. symptoms include anxiety attacks or breaking out in hives when faced with food from any store other than Whole Foods Market.
Example 1:
person: dude, these new roasted garlic super lard-packed Cheezy Yummy-o's are da bomb, you wanna try one?

vegan: *breaking out in a sweat* naw man, sorry I can't, I've got non-wf-phobia

Example 2:
person: hey girlie, whaddup? wanna come to my slumber party with Lakisha, Rohondra, Edwiana and Sue tonight? We gonna watch chick flicks and eat excessive amounts of Ben and Jerry's ice cream!!

non-wf-phobiac: errhh *rummages around purse desperately searching for anxiety medicine* I don't think I'll be able to make it, I need to groom my hampster..or something..

Example 3:

Person 1: dude, look at Kylee with her expensive Whole Foods lunch again.
Person 2: yeah man, I think she's turned into a non-wf-phobiac. She spends way too much time with her vegan-hippie friends
by GreekWannabeVegan January 23, 2012
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Term used to refer pejoratively to a couple formed by a black male and a white female.
I see so many BM/WF around my city
by babeliona April 4, 2018
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To dip your Testicles into anothers mouth repeatedly while playing BF2.
I just WF Tea Bagged Willie, Riveir, and Mor all in one dip!!!
by Nuttcasepdx December 12, 2007
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Rating some one as a 10 out of 10. Would fuck as in you would fuck them
Dude she's so hot. 10/10 wf
by Jacks015971 May 17, 2016
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We’re in end times, the world is “as in the days of Noah”, and all is happening as prophesied. But, believers, be joyful & look up because WFS!!!
by GiamBi May 10, 2023
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WFS = work from sofa

This is a version of working from home (WFH) where you decide to work from the sofa instead of your office or the dining table
by EmilyLomas1987 January 3, 2020
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winky friday, a version of the #ff 'follow friday' twitter hashtag, where instead of posting lists of twitter users you find interesting you post a picture of your winky.
look everyone, my winky #wf yfrog.com/5b96nnj
by ronald p mcdonald October 1, 2010
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