by DON'T KLICK ON ME! December 22, 2020
An exclamation of exitement, can be used along with w00t and weet all together in a high voice (3 w's of exitment)
by finalmandalorian March 1, 2005
by DON'T KLICK ON ME! December 22, 2020
by ikyhnu April 6, 2022
by jessica May 13, 2004
by BIGGG E July 13, 2019
the noise some dorks or nerds make when they try to argue about something but lose control of their speaking (dosent cry).
Nerd: omg man i love runescape!
Guy: runescape is for nerds.
Nerd: runescape is like totaly realistic and the physics and magic and...and...w..w..weee!
Guy: runescape is for nerds.
Nerd: runescape is like totaly realistic and the physics and magic and...and...w..w..weee!
by serb69 July 25, 2009