
to be removed from a certain place or establishment
to be rejected
"shame blad you got turfed"
by mr majestic June 5, 2005
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stag son those nikes are TURFED.
by sam heird November 19, 2003
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too look bad or to get the shit beat out of u. or to dance
damn zach. you got hella turfed by mikey

i need a haircut. my shit is turfed
by steffan loudon April 3, 2007
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Refering to someone you think is ugly.
"D***you didn't tell us those b******are hella turfed"
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Turf it

Sister: Have you seen my Taylor Swift CD
Rest of family: Yes, we saw it and decided to turf it, as we didn't want that garbage in our house.
by IllWill99 July 31, 2020
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Area where which a streetgang calls it's own (neighborhood)
This is our turf, get the h*ll out!
by ein July 21, 2003
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These niggaz dissin our turf
by Ashantiss March 4, 2005
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