A Youtuber who uploads a video with full retard sincerity, is wrongfully praised for being a troll, and then “milks” his retardation for more views and approval. The Milk Troll’s popularity is dependent on the gullibility of the Milk Troll Enabler. Milk Trolls and Milk Troll Enablers are especially prevalent in SJW culture, where examples of undiluted SJW retardation make sophisticated SJWs uncomfortable. It is this discomfort that drives SJWs to redefine authentic retardation as an ironic attempt at trolling.
You think that Youtuber is being clever, but he's really just a Milk Troll.
by Maceo Flux March 12, 2016
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Trolling is the art of sparking a flame war. It is derived from the fishing term as it does involve bait and stringing targets along. There are both subtle and overt ways of doing this. And mining the salt from the booty-blasted is a delicious endeavor with either set of methodologies. And it doesn't have to be disingenuous either as identifying uncomfortable truths to those who don't want to hear it qualifies. Now to really master trolling is not so much about being covert and hidden but to steer with as little effort as possible the flame war as to benefit from the outcome, and sometimes that is just delicious salt mining for the lulz.
lollolo i trolling u
by ultrat July 15, 2018
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1. A fancy term for baiting a fish.
2. When a person writes a comment online that is intended to upset people and bring them lots of attention. Unlike what happened with their moms during childhood.
Stop responding to this guy, he's obviously trolling.
by SilverishGoldNova March 15, 2018
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Typing an ignorant insult or remark in a comment section or forum on the internet and sitting back waiting to get an inflamed, angry response from a person on the internet. It is not successful trolling if the troll actually believes the ignorant remark or if the trollee becomes privy to the trolling (or the faking of the ignorance).

Originally derived from a method of fishing called trolling in which the fishermen cast lures from their boat and move slowly (10mph) while they sit lazily waiting for a naive fish to mistake their lure for real food.
Troll: Reptilians are real.
Trump: No they're not!
Troll: Yes-huh they are, I'm one!
Trump: You're trolling.
Troll: You're smart.
Trump: Thanks.

Troll: I was trolling.
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The art of hijacking a facebook post not your own to get more attention than the original poster.
"Oh look, Stan's trolling my facebook post because he need more attention than he's getting on his own page."
by YoWhoDat December 23, 2020
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Trolling, which originates from the word "troll", is when a person on the internet or in real life known as a "troller" messes around with others for amusement. This can result in the victims, or people called "trollees" being very upset, angry, or sometimes laughing along with the trollers. In some scenarios the trollees don't have any reaction. Trolling can range from simple tricks (e.g. the classic water bucket on top of the door trick) to the worst deeds known to man (e.g. simultaneously killing hundreds or thousands of people)
Oh my. It appears Harold has part take in a minuscule amount of trolling.
by TheRandomGuy_BD July 3, 2023
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