an unwelcome person who invades adult bookstores theatres in hopes of hooking up with playing partners. The troll is often unwashed, un-cut, smelly and a general nuisance.
You must be clean and smell good to play with my sub, NO TROLLS!
by MsJT July 31, 2011
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1. A short man who lives underneath a bridge
2. A nerd online (sometimes also a fanboy) trying to make you feel bad by insulting the shit out of you
1. "There's a troll underneath this here bridge, Billy Bob. Let's shoot it.
2. Troll-"Shut up you dumb faggot."
Kid-"I'm telling my mommy on you."
by ilikethedark December 7, 2010
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A person who flames on notable and worthy content on the Internet by calling it "fake" or "stupid" (and so on) knowing they can't do a better job themselves.
Some Important Guy: "... and that's how you cure cancer."
Troll: "Fake and gay!"
by imnotanerd July 29, 2011
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an individual that frequents message boards and makes up stories or belittles others posting on the board.
hey everybody, let's go troll the Scientology message board!
by Alfred E Fucktard July 1, 2002
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One who makes out under or near bridges, preferably with a random person; see Becky Doyle
Look at those two necking in that park! They are such trolls
by kggg March 3, 2005
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Someone who gets people ranting on internet forums. Can reveal the best and worst arguements humans have to offer.
Good troll (starts an interesting debate.): tehwookielost.
Bad troll (starts a flame war): T2 in his I am an MLG pownzorz topic.
by sentio ita scio September 28, 2008
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Troll what a 35+ out of lingo touch person says on an online forum when they are outmatched and out witted by another online user. They then proceed to drop the "troll" word when they have no other defense or logical debate.

Its a losers last stand.
Telepathically - Rausting the Rabble- of online Loser 4 Life.
Beat that thread! !@#$% troll.
by Jezza.Jamoin March 4, 2011
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