A piece of garbage adored by redenecks everywhere. Gee, too bad you can't buy one anymore. For your info, GM discontinued the Firebird/Trans Am in 2002 due to slow sales. The Civic meanwhile, is one of the nation's top-selling cars.

From the movie White Chicks...

Brittany Wilson (holding a dildo): Never put it in your mouth. That's '80s. You might as well go buy a Trans Am!

by shenehneh April 8, 2006
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A shitty car owned by a poor person who thinks they're the shit.
Ain't nobody gona get laid because of their Trans Am.
by BL107 August 14, 2005
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A very popular muscle car, that is in high demand by white trash motherfuckers from the trailerpark that beat their wives daily because they demanded a bush light and the wives take too long or racist neighbor hoods. Most trans am drivers hate imports because they get very anus hurt when they get whooped by a 96 civic that has $20k less put into it.
" I just spent $30.000 on my WS6 Trans am, and i got whopped by a $10.000 96 Honda that gets 10 times better gas milage than me......Maybe my mullet is too heavy."
by rj180sx December 22, 2009
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the hairstyle which is shorter in front and longer in the back, otherwise known as a mullet
the other day i saw a whole family of mullets.. even the kids were sporting trans ams
by mullet hunter February 5, 2005
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The car of choice for front yards of trashy trailer homes. Usually found on blocks since they're pretty much junk.
Bob: Hey I think i'm going to get a Trans Am.
Dave: Those things are junk.
Bob: You're right.
by pooptooth February 4, 2010
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The most indestructable, intimidating, hardcore vehicle on this planet. People who drive a trans am, know whats good in life. except for here in miami, cause this place sucks. Made famous by Smokey and the Bandit movies.
Girls: Look at that guy in a Trans Am, he is so hot.
by 77transam July 9, 2005
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An American muscle car; the top model of the Pontiac Firebird, produced from 1969 'til 2002. Originally an appearance package for the Firebird 400. The next year, '70, it actually improved performance. One noteworthy T/A is the 1970 Ram Air V. It was a rare, dealer-installed option that took the RA-IV engine, and added solid lifters and tunnel port heads. They were rated at 500bhp, a 130hp improvement from the RA-IV. Also noteworthy is the '73 T/A. it was the first to feature a large "Screaming Chicken" graphic on the hood. The top engine, a 310hp (net) 455ci Super-Duty V8 got the T/A going pretty fast. The T/A, and its sister, the Camaro, were killed off in '02. Thanks alot, ricer geeks! It I wanted to hot-rod a mini-van, I'd at least make it look decent!
A dude in a green Civic pulled up to me and said he wanted to race. i asked him, "what kind of mods do you have?" He replies, "a spoiler, pimped-out rims, a subwoofer in the trunk, and a cold air intake system." He asked me the same, and I said, "nothing. Just a stock, 415hp 400 cube Ram Air V8." He may have beat me off the line, but I won the race by a long-shot.
by Myajd jdg July 1, 2005
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