One who wears cut off shirts, gold chains, and has no concern for anything except lifting weights and trying to impress everyone with unimpressive feats of strength.
by ACM100 May 12, 2011
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Billy used his tool to show his mother a good time
by Chauvinisticbastard August 27, 2023
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Someone who thinks something there doing is awesome but little do they know no one else thinks its cool.
TOOL-hey man its december 1st and i have these christmas hats and patriots jerseys wanna were them and go to the mall and see twilight?
NOT A TOOL-dude your a fucking tool
by thou art owned December 15, 2009
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is being like ray, or acting like ray, or saying anything that ray would say , ray is tool
ray georges is the perfect example of a tool he is a tool
by Aaron4074 April 22, 2007
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