An acronym for "The Woman's Awesome Thing"
I was in class the other day talking about the vag but I couldn't say TWAT in front of the teacher so I instead said "The Woman's Awesome Thing"...
by Berry November 24, 2003
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1. Defined as a plural noun for a group of imbeciles, cretins, idiots, fucktards, morons, Bedfordians etc. Any group of people of a generally fuck-witted nature.

2. Pussii (from the plural of pussys, which is a bit of an ugly word)

3. Anyone predisposed in a western, liberal democracy (presuming of course, that the majority is always correct?). To vote for anyone on the basis of anything they are 'informed of' by the media/text message from their mate (a big brother watcher!).
"Look at those bufoniform weirdos, what a bunch of twats"...said by a train passenger when approaching Bedford (England) train station.

got offered a twosome last night by the missus, problem was she invited her mate from Bedford so I had to turn it down due to one half of it being beastiality...Shame would have been a nice "twat fest" otherwise.

"I voted for Tony Blair"!

by STePPeNWoLFe September 19, 2006
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Damn, I only wanted to know what a cleveland steamer was, I didn't want a whole fucking essay. What a right twat!
by Jonjo O'Rizzle January 26, 2008
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1. Slang for vagina.
2. A bitch.
3. Synonym for cunt.
Drew Barrymore is such a twat, but she keeps getting movie roles.
by nvalley July 11, 2008
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Who would you check out the twat on her?!

Man that is one hair twat!
by THE FISHMAN April 18, 2004
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in addition to all its other obvious meanings, "twat" is also the past pluperfect subjunctive for a post on Twitter, also called a "tweet."
guy 1: "dude, have you been tweeting at all today?"

guy 2: "you moron, if i had twat, you would have gotten it."

bill clinton: "you losers. i have twat all the time."
by stuku April 29, 2009
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Slang word used describing a woman's vagina.
Twat did you say!!!
by Pickle Bread July 2, 2009
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