Propoganda designed to cover up a massive government conspiracy. Begining in the late 1970's, the United States government tried to cover up its radio-wave thought-control program by circulating a false rumor that people could shield their minds from government intrusion by wearing a tinfoil hat. In truth, a tinfoil hat only improves reception and makes it easier for the government to read your mind. Speak truth to power!
by Shep Pettibone May 22, 2009
by Bas April 8, 2005
1. A hat made from kitchen aluminum foil or other pliable metallic substance, with the supposed purpose of shielding the wearer's brain from mind control/surveillance by various supernatural or conspirital organizations.
2. Pertaining to various supernatural or conspirital phenomena.
2. Pertaining to various supernatural or conspirital phenomena.
by 1Spectre4U August 12, 2003
Derisive attempt on behalf of blind conformists to discredit and stigmatise those who dare to question authority.
by Cara_Drina July 1, 2005
conspiracy, probably created by the world elite themselves, to create a stereotype of a conspiracy theory, so when someone will believe in the Illuminati he will be put in the same box with tinfoil hats (who actually wears those?)
- the global elite first creates a problem, then they blame it on another source and then they create a prepared solution
- tinfoil hat!!!?1//
- tinfoil hat!!!?1//
by t00c00lforscho00l March 7, 2022
by no-emo June 30, 2005
The "tinfoil hat" is often a way to describe someone who's going crazy, or falling too deep into crazy internet theories. When someone tells you you're putting on a tinfoil hat, it means your going head over heels for a crazy idea.
"Dude, the world's gonna end due to alien attacks within the next 4 months. I've figured out their plans completely."
"I think you need to take off that tinfoil hat and snap back into reality."
"I think you need to take off that tinfoil hat and snap back into reality."
by Daddy-0-5 February 4, 2018