When a black guy kidnaps your gf and you gotta go rescue her with your “master sword” ( usually ends in a threesome)
by Natsu098 February 26, 2018
by NattyPatty August 30, 2015
An amazing name for a girl. She is super cool and is basically a princess warrior. Everyone should have a Zelda in there life.
by i DONT WANT TO SAY MY REAL NAM December 19, 2013
a) Game series created by Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto during the late 80's, based on a combination of Tolkienian fantasy and Dungeons and Dragons style exploration. This series is still going strong more than a decade later with it's latest release, "The Wind Waker".
b) Princess Zelda, the character of the series namesake, and weilder of the Triforce of Wisdom.
b) Princess Zelda, the character of the series namesake, and weilder of the Triforce of Wisdom.
by hpk January 11, 2004
by Kazaam December 20, 2004
by Lieutenant Tarpit July 21, 2004
Absolutely, beyond a doubt, no questions asked, the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME EVER CREATED ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH! Anyone who hates Zelda sucks at life completely.
by Keegster April 24, 2003