36 definitions by Lieutenant Tarpit

The best band ever. John, Paul, George, and Ringo(His real name is Richard) have created masterpieces such as "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", "Yellow Submarine", "When I'm Sixty-four", and many others. Often described as "old", and "out-of-style" by much of today's (excruciatingly ignorant) youth, but seriously, who wants to listen to the kind of bullcrap that they consider to be "cool"? Examples are as follows: NStink, Shitney Spears and the Fagstreet Boys. The Beatles were excellent. Praise them. PRAISE THEM, I SAY!
Elvis Presly created rock. The Beatles taught it how it should be.
by Lieutenant Tarpit August 10, 2004
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A restaurant that serves crap right outta Britney Spears' ass.
McDonald's is the crappiest restaurant on the face of the planet.
by Lieutenant Tarpit May 24, 2004
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Is an awesome show. Nick deserves to have a pile driver shoved up their ass for cancelling it!
Invader Zim is freaking funny! NICK IS A PILE OF SHIT!
by Lieutenant Tarpit May 24, 2004
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A retarded, white, marshmallow-looking creature whose life and origions are unbeknownst to even the most brilliant scientists. He's funny, too.
Hi Wonder Mike! I'm Homsar! The captain of the Gravytrain!
by Lieutenant Tarpit July 20, 2004
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One of the best damn countries on Earth! The accent is often stereotyped, but I like it.
Scotland rules! I'm gonna live there one day...
by Lieutenant Tarpit July 29, 2004
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YOUR LORD AND MASTER!!!!!!!!!!!! Pie is the thread that holds this world together! You shall obey the pie, or suffer the consequences!!
PIE! Sweet glorious pie!!
by Lieutenant Tarpit October 23, 2004
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