Clid: What's your height?
Vapor: 5'7"
by KRA13S January 23, 2022
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a girl who is WAY too in to vaporwave
“That angsts girl with the funky hair and the holographic shoes is such a vapor hoe.”
by pro hero midoriya June 11, 2019
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When your underwear is so old, it doesn't need to be thrown away, it just transmogrifies into underwear vapor and floats away.
"Billy's not wearing underwear". "Oh, he was, but it transmogrified into underwear vapor anjd now it's gone.
by The Dr. Bochaciac March 25, 2019
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Forced disintegration of a person for doing something completely and utterly stupid or idiotic without any regard for other human or animal life like speeding recklessly, cutting off drivers and causing possible harm to others.
Dumbass driver, if I could I would be vaporizing your ass in a second, gone forever, not missed by anyone
by aptpitbull92563 June 27, 2020
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