1. When someone who shows great relationship promise disappears suddenly and unexpectedly. Usually they will deliver the news with a text message, letter or, equally cowardly and detached form of media messaging. Like the vapor trail of a fast-moving airplane, there is evidence that the plane was once there, but is now nowhere to be seen.

2. Spurned
"Geri and I were getting along so well. We had several amazing dates... she was so into me two nights ago, but this morning she vapor-trailed me with a text message saying that she didn't want to see me anymore."

"Scott was so amazing. We always made time for each other. We even planned a dinner date for this evening. But when I got home from work, he vapor-trailed me with a note he slipped under my door saying that we can't hang out anymore."
by emospurned November 15, 2013
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Vapor vaulting is the act of pressing one's anus to another's, particularly after coitus, when the undercarriages are at their moistest. A gaseous deposit is then made into the receiving butthole.
Yeah, man, we were wiped out, but we were sweaty, so I thought to myself, "Why not? I'm gonna try vapor vaulting you."
by De la frookster September 8, 2014
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a word that you say when you meet a friend who you haven't seen for a very long time.
Dude,haven't seen you for ages!You're like vaporized.
by little hulk December 24, 2006
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when the fart stink so bad it's not passing gas anymore, it's the most horrendous odor to ever exist and entering the atmosphere.
guy 1: dude did you just pass gas?
guy2: no, bro.. that was swamp vapor.
by notswampvaporguy April 4, 2023
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A goal that ist more talked about than actually doing something for it. It is similar vaporware in the games, software and film industry.
A: I will make these self improvement courses to becomes a millionaire and than I will get all the girls. B: Bro that's a vapor goal! Do you you really work for it? I just see you talking and thinking about it!
by WannabeNeologist February 19, 2023
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A term used to describe a small vape device, particularly, the Baton Vapor v2, that has gone missing...
Goku: where’s your baton bro?
Jiren: I don’t know man, that shits BAGONE now
Goku: bagone vapor
by Babies n Bombs January 26, 2021
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Mercury Vapor is a type of High Intensity Discharge Lighting. They are extremely reliable and can last upto 50 Years! They dont have the incredible color rendering Abilities of Metal Halide, or the Outstanding efficiency of HPS (High Pressure Sodium), which makes them the worst HID Light source out of the 3. These lamps were extremely popular back in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s. They are being phased out but there are alot of them still out there, and you can still see them in streetlights, floodlights, and such.
Oh look dude, thats a 1000w Mercury Vapor Floodlight! And its Dayburning too!
by Valtteri Bottas 77 fan January 11, 2022
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