Omegle words
M14 for example, means the user is a male and is 14 years old
F18 means they are a female and is 18 years old
To use: (genderif you’re trans add a “t” in front of your preferred gender; age)
M14 for example, means the user is a male and is 14 years old
F18 means they are a female and is 18 years old
To use: (genderif you’re trans add a “t” in front of your preferred gender; age)
by Sam1d September 29, 2019
The singer and songwriter DDG (, refers to the expression "non-language" to define his musical stratagem, the escamotage that he uses in some of his songs to remove the language boundaries and give anyone in the world the chance to sing his melodies.
The non-language, mixing musical sounds, rhythms and melodies with no explicit meaning rather than words, is a way to gather and connect all the people around the world no matter what language they speak - Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish, French or Japanese - because anyone can use a non-language sound like "dondigitdigitdigitdondon".
The non-language, mixing musical sounds, rhythms and melodies with no explicit meaning rather than words, is a way to gather and connect all the people around the world no matter what language they speak - Chinese, English, Russian, Spanish, French or Japanese - because anyone can use a non-language sound like "dondigitdigitdigitdondon".
from the song DIG IT a non-language example:
"We share the same sun
We share the same light
We share the same fight
We share the same rights
So many colours so many souls
Please save my brothers
And just sing and just sing the same song
Respect for people one dream just one love
So many reasons to believe and share the same goal
"We share the same sun
We share the same light
We share the same fight
We share the same rights
So many colours so many souls
Please save my brothers
And just sing and just sing the same song
Respect for people one dream just one love
So many reasons to believe and share the same goal
by musicvibes360 January 1, 2011
The most fucking dreadful class any teenager could endure. You don't learn shit from this subject, all you do is end up with a PHAT F and ways to cause depression in teens.
Fuck man, I gotta go to LANGUAGE ARTS, this shits depressing
Language Arts is depressing man, I feel you.
Language Arts is depressing man, I feel you.
by Nipple Cream Dealer May 27, 2019
The language used my MlG to communicate in there natural habitat.......Call of Duty. They use acronyms like m8 and m80 to talk to each other and often misspell words like suck fagit and bitch.
Mlg language :MLG 1: get rkt bra I'm fck done m8 I'm will rk u fgt.
MLG 2: wel guess what m80 I'm in illuminati btch so sux me cock
MLG 2: wel guess what m80 I'm in illuminati btch so sux me cock
by ProfessorofMLG May 6, 2015
A 23 year old hyperpolyglot gigachad alpha male who is attractive to every woman... and man on the planet.
Santino: Are you a hyperpolyglot gigachad alpha male like Language Simp?
Faget: Yes, I am learning Esperanto.
Santino: *Pulls out revolver*
Faget: Yes, I am learning Esperanto.
Santino: *Pulls out revolver*
by Average language speaker July 27, 2022
by Your Mothers Mom. March 17, 2012
lí Míxíshá lángíúáíóá or The Mixish language is a forgotten Gaelic language spoken by mixed race peoples from the early BC Era and until the late 19th when people force them to just learn English, and a big part of the mixed race heritage therefore was Lost, but in 2010 the language was found to be spoken by 1500 thousand peoples but only 500 peoples can speak Mixish fluently, one quote a man said in the early 1800s about the language is that we can teach it to the new generation and bring the our heritage and language back.
Mixish language
by the Míxíshá woman August 31, 2022