(noun). A piquantly prosodic way to refer to a friend who is acting like a moron. Warning don't use this term in a real battle of urban-dictionary prowess given the self-humbling nature of using the prefix douche with the sharp suffix nip. As in there are many more blunt sounding and effective terms such as douche cock, douche cunt, douche fucker...
Me: "John you're a real douche nip"

John: "Wow I'm really not all that offended. You sure are a puss bitch"
by Millkz Plz April 9, 2011
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A douche bag of epic proportions and on every level, they are such a douche, even normal douches fear them... they wear a crown made of douchery. They are usually called Matthieu and come from France.
"Hey dude, that guy isn't a normal douche, he is the king douche!"
by I'm no douchette February 24, 2015
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One who Is the essence of epic lamesauce and uber douche-ness. A person that would give anything just to be a asshole
by Mr. John Flick'o the wrist January 13, 2011
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When a normally cool, or at least tolerable person becomes a total douchebag over texts or on the Internet, and denies it.
"Jesus, did you see the group chat last night?"
"Yeah, Brittany was being a total Internet douche, that must of been pretty shitty for you."
by ThisIsAnAlias November 26, 2014
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A short man, especially possessing a physical stature like that of a hobbit, who behaves in a rude and arrogant manner.
Fuck off, you sawed-off Douche Baggins!
by James G.P. Conrad January 17, 2019
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The improvised cleansing of one's anus with a store bought douche kit.
Me and my cousin was gettin shitdick often and the festerin became painful, what with the corn kernels, pepper seeds and all. So we invented in the douche buggery kit for the rectum and Bob's you Uncle! Buy one today and your dick pains will be behind you, or you cousin, rather..... Also introducing the Rectum Relief kit! *The aggressive buggering in this ad was done by professionals on a closed buggering course. Do not attempt... Introducing New Joe's Buggering cream!! One Dalope and all you Buggering issues will ..
by Bugmen September 1, 2018
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