Someone who parks badly in a parking lot, across multiple spots, over curbs, hitting shrubs, sticking out, sideways, even that one guy that flipped over the wall.
Look at that Brad Parker over there, he's parked Bradley.
by Vajeebi November 25, 2015
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A term used to express one's exasperation in response to a bad hairstyling video.
Typically always something that the hair god, Brad Mondo, has warned humanity against, but was done regardless and more often than not resulting in disaster.
I.e. bleaching roots of your hair first, or using colour to lift colour.
Ugh, can't believe the stylist in this video bleached that poor girl's roots first. Brad Mondo would NEVER.
by Blossomtea August 6, 2020
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Being and absolute fucking retard and combining acid, coke, lean, xans, and weed.
Some retard who did the brad flip: bro i brad flipped so fucking hard i almost died
by tekkstasy November 7, 2023
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When something is within a metre from your face but because of your beady Muppet eyes and shit depth perception, you have a problem seeing it right in front of you.
The shipping container is right in front of you, open those Brad Steel eyes of yours numb-nuts
by grachrH&T*G({ October 26, 2017
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Brad Janke is just a Delight to be around, but makes a very mediocre Chili and Brisket. Despite that minor flaw, he is gregarious, firm in his beliefs, and deeply loyal to those he allows to be in his life. If you have a Brad Janke in your life you are a lucky individual!
We should all strive to be a Brad Janke.
by CDawg255 December 28, 2021
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A skinny male with knees that arch backwards while standing in an upright position.
Hey look there's bent Knee brad , he loves them slam hogs!
by Smith salvages August 5, 2018
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spin off of breaking bad to be released in 2024.
when you fail an exam you cotinue to blankig brad
blanking brad
by bomwan July 31, 2022
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