STUPID!! the worlds worst invention that can only break up relationships and tear people further apart
The following dialouge is a representation of two typical people texting about a typical subject:
person 1: what are you doing on saturday?"
person 2:"NOTHING!"
person 1: "oh, wanna hang out?"
person 2: "sure lol"
person 1: "what's so funny, you're a jerkface never talk to me again"
by R. E. Tarded February 25, 2009
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A way to communicate your friends by "typing" on your cell phone. The most pointless thing in the world.

It also makes your English bad.
Texter: Oh, my friend texted me about <insert gossip here> and were texting for 5 hours straight!

Non-texter: God, why don't you just call the person?
by ~C January 28, 2009
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one of the dumbest things in the world for a relationship.
guy.(looks at phone) lol giggels.........WTH

girl. I wonder if he got my text(ringgggggggggggggg)hello

guy. WTH was that text about.

girl. why the fuck are you calling me hang up and text it.

guy. Why?......hello....hello......fuckin hoe.texting fuking sucks

girl. (looks at text)its over bitch.(calls bf)

guy. hello..

girl. why is it over wad i do?

guy.fku,hang up and text it bitch.
by tacosssssss May 13, 2010
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The rathor childish act of sending a text message to another via Moblie phones.
A usual text message would read "I fancy you will you be my boyfriend/girlfriend" or "I'm gonna beat you up!"
by marc lewis August 26, 2003
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Laura: *grrbalghgb*
Michelle: Oh shit, Laura is going into Socioshock! Quick somebody get her a texting!!!
by M3ta February 15, 2009
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A form of involuntary servitude to one's cell phone. Eventually, this slavery becomes a connection that a person deems neccesary for survival. However, for this person's friends, it is usally an annoyance. If this person and his/her peers are, for instance, playing sports, and his friend throw him the ball, that friend will be displeased to find that the person has given up on the game and has decided to text his girlfriend who has spent the past several hours with.
Johnny: Man, I can't believe it, I'm finally beating you in Halo!

Rick: Yea, man.

Johnny: This is awesome! *looks at Rick* Wait, what are you doing

Rick: *is texting* Uhh... nothing man...

Johnny: COME ON MAN!! You spent the last SIX HOURS at your girlfriends house!!
by a someewhat smart guy July 17, 2009
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-A stupid way to communicate

-Great way to get into a car accident
-The reason why people cannot spell properly
-The reason why people cannot talk properly
-Something that kids get addicted to
-A warning sign that society is getting dumber
by vladik87 September 12, 2009
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