Yelling any testicle-related words over the telephone, or across long distances. Testicle-related words include, but are not limited to: testicles, balls, nuts, and mansauce activators.
(from across the field) "Hey Johnny!"
While birds perfect birdcalls, young boys often hone their testicalls.
While birds perfect birdcalls, young boys often hone their testicalls.
by The Horned Water September 11, 2006
The act of accidentally calling someone on your cell phone when it is stashed in your front pocket, specifically when placed in close proximity to the testes. Applicable only to males.
by BombDotComm August 31, 2014
by Zomar September 19, 2007
Get the testicalls mug.
by alloveritagain December 3, 2011