5 definitions by The Horned Water
A P3 was originaly an unfinished drawing of a penis, but now has come to mean penis. Also, P base three and P base four minus one.
I started drawing a penis on my friend's homework but I only managed a
"Quit grabbing your P3 in public, Mark, it's impolite."
"Quit grabbing your P3 in public, Mark, it's impolite."
by The Horned Water January 26, 2005
If you want to be really tricky, instead of saying P base three you can curveball it by saying P base four minus one. A P3 was originaly an unfinished drawing of a penis, but now has come to mean penis.
I started drawing a penis on my friend's homework but I only managed a p base four minus one.
"Quit grabbing your P base four minus one in public, Mark, it's impolite."
"Quit grabbing your P base four minus one in public, Mark, it's impolite."
by The Horned Water January 26, 2005
A P base three is the mathematical way of saying P3, which was originaly an unfinished drawing of a penis, but now has also come to mean penis. Also P base four minus one.
by The Horned Water January 26, 2005
When you put on tall rubber boots, grab a sheep and put it's hind legs in the boots with your legs. You then proceed to fuck the sheep. This procedure is used to prevent the sheep from getting away.
"Damn man, I am so horny, I'm about to fuck a sheep!"
"Yeah dude, gimme your tall rainboots, I need them for some sheep booting."
"Yeah dude, gimme your tall rainboots, I need them for some sheep booting."
by The Horned Water October 23, 2006
Yelling any testicle-related words over the telephone, or across long distances. Testicle-related words include, but are not limited to: testicles, balls, nuts, and mansauce activators.
(from across the field) "Hey Johnny!"
While birds perfect birdcalls, young boys often hone their testicalls.
While birds perfect birdcalls, young boys often hone their testicalls.
by The Horned Water September 11, 2006