aka Target.

Used in the military to signify target has been located/confirmed
Echo Foxtrot to Uniform Zulu, Over
You are 5 by 5 Echo Foxtrot
Eyes on Tango.
Execute execute execute.
by Smokey September 12, 2003
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Argentina's capital city (Buenos Aires) typical dance...with the rose in the mouth
Los tangueros se reunieron en el arrabal, y bailaron tango hasta el amanecer
by Cecilia October 2, 2004
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To fight with someone.
You wanna tango?

Let's tango.
by Xraye July 22, 2006
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A drink brand, comes in lots of flavours, apple's my favorite...
by bloodbanx.com January 23, 2005
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- "So what dance class are you taking?"
- "My girlfriend persuaded me into doing tango with her, but i didn't need much persuading in the first place."
- "Why"
- "Dude! Tango is like, sex on the dance floor!"
by laduejen2012 September 27, 2007
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A degoratory slur for someone with ginger hair, used to belittle my ginger housemate.
You fucking Tango! sort your hair out!
by Zack Daniels April 12, 2005
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Abbreviation of "charlie foxtrot tango", an expression familial to the military "charlie foxtrot", which is itself a phonetic abbreviation for "cluster fuck". "Charlie foxtrot tango" is the phonetic abbreviation for "cluster fuck trifecta". See also "clusterfuck trifecta"
by Steven Cranford December 4, 2007
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