
The best County in Ireland. The Sunny South East.
by Butty July 14, 2004
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The whitest town in Pennsylvania. Suburb of Pittsburgh. Home to North Allegheny school district. School district full of rich assholes and slutty girls who drive the Mercedes and Lexus daddy got them for Christmas/birthday. Also home to many wiggers who haven't realized they're upper middle class. AKA "the Wex."
There is absolutely nothing to do in Wexford.
by Jay Mo IV June 2, 2006
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a suburb north of pittsburgh that has absolutely nothing to do. typically kids in wexford hang out at the gas station sheetz on the weekends, drinking blue slurpees,eating mto's, and seeing about 1239857 people they know there.

the wex was voted 28th best place to live in the nation, but it's #1 in our hearts<33
"yo did you see who was hangin at the wexford sheetz with matt this weekend?"
"yeah dude, she's such a slutt, but then again, all wex girls are."
by KiKi2222 February 10, 2008
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