When lying on your stomach, said person decides to fart. After releasing a leaky river of shit, it creams down their taint.
Bro, I was eating a gurl out and I got some serious taint leakage
by Brady_SquirtDaddy January 27, 2023
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When you make a genuinely funny Facebook status and someone corrects a small grammatical error you made and then that's all people notice.
Status: Who makes the sandwich if your in a gay relationship?

Comment: *you're

Comment after that: wow nice grammar lol

Response to comment: that is now a tainted status
by original name March 1, 2012
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When a guy either fucks a girls taint by ramming his dick against it until it's bruised or finger blasts the taint until it's bruised
*girl* "Wow, my taint really hurts!"
*boy* "Yeah I bet, I Taint Buster 'd that with my dick last night for hours!"
by Willywilbert6969 June 27, 2015
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a girl who rubs on your taint while you're having sex with her.
she's pretty good in bed, for a taint swaggler.

or in past tense...

that horny chick swaggled my taint lastnight.
by mr. z800 July 8, 2011
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This maneuver is when you perform what would be a regular noogie but with a twist. You bend over the recipient and begin to noogie their taint.
Friend 1:
Why the donut pillow?

Friend 2:
I got a top notch taint Noogie two weeks ago and still feel it."
by Noremac1981 June 3, 2022
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The male crevice that runs on each side of his taint.
The lubrication ran like a river down his taint dimple.
by CAMPJOY May 9, 2023
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The act of jerking off with your hand and dick inside her pussy at the same time
I tried banging a hooker last night but had to pull a Tainted Mushroom because she was so whalered out
by Beav Handler May 27, 2018
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