teacher: "kids, fold the paper taco style!"

student: "ummm, it's a circle. it's gonna be taco style either way you fold it."
by wh1tn3yj0rd4n January 6, 2010
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Food made for one's dating partner when out of candy underwear or other sexual eatables.
I made Kyle Style Tacos last night and they were spicy.
by ms.wronggeneration September 26, 2010
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anytime your so drunk that when you go down on a chick you spew all over her box.
hey, you, come get your new york style taco.
by richard roma October 24, 2003
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When you are so drunk that you are going down on a girl and you vomit, then you just keep going.
"Man, you got some wicked New York Style Taco breath!"
by Hellsa House September 18, 2008
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When semen is covering a sex toy ("dildo") and is "eaten" by owner.
"i made her eat that new york style taco"
by Anonymous October 30, 2003
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The act of farting while taking a shit that sounds like a running lawn mower
"Do you hear that in the bathroom over there? Someone is shitting Taco Bell style."
by Fucking moron October 17, 2017
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