
Sealed With a Loving Kiss ~
found on the back Valentines envelopes.
by chestd April 27, 2003
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Abbreviation of spliff-walk. Going for a walk to an area that is suitable for smoking cannabis.
"Dude, security are doing a lot of checks outside the flat tonight"
"Gonna have to swalk it to the park then bro"
by uglymotherfucker December 18, 2011
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by KamCon January 15, 2011
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The act of repeatedly swearing while talking without knowing what you’re actually saying.
Yo my dude got fired after swalking during a customer service call. The guy is a fucking madman
by Mooseking69 October 6, 2019
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the combination of walking and swimming inside of a pool.
I starting swalking when i got tired of swimming.
by max xxxx August 2, 2006
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Brittney Spears swalks in her house after she's been drinking.
by Glees January 8, 2011
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when a nigga bounces on yo dick until yo nuts pop
man this nigga was swalkings on me all last night
by qlaking March 19, 2024
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