something that is either believed fictionaly or irrational
Hey, steve needs to say more Superficial lines.
by InedibleBird January 28, 2003
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Liking or falling for someone just because of their appearance or because it makes them look good.
James is going to ask Annie out only because he thinks she makes him look good in pictures, it's such a superficial love.
by Xotchitl Ome November 1, 2017
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When someone says something to you, you ask them to repeat it and still don't have a clue about, so rather than asking them to repeat again, you stimulate a variety of different responses such as;
Nodding your Head
Smiling and Looking at The person
Looking Down
Looking Concerned

This method of reply is often useful when speaking to people with strong accents, or old people.
Dan: Wow thats a nice watch, how much was that?
Ted: What?
Dan: How much was your watch
Ted: Yes *Smiles* (Superficial Responding)
by R4inman May 17, 2007
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A grin or smirk that has bullshit written all over it.

Usually used by con men, marketers , stock brokers, prostitutes, Steve Jobs. You know, the bullshitters.
Bullshitted: Do you think this its a good idea dodging taxes? I mean, I will have more money but won't I get caught?

Bullshitter: No bro, just chill. The system doesn't keep track of EVERYONE'S taxes, just those that get paid handsomely and you my friend are not in this category if I were you I'd use that to my advantage. How do you think I got so rich man? I'm only looking out for your best interest. *Gives superficial smile*
by KaLnoX November 4, 2013
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More futile than regular crass, more fistworthy than E-crass, however its not real-because its superficial crass, like sean connerys ass.
superfucial sacrificial the official constanitial ass of crassness.
by Mr Procrastination April 10, 2005
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A false sense of accomplishment or pride when what you have done has no meaning or value.

A superficial reason to feel good about yourself or something you have done.
Sue: So?
Joe: Oh... well i guess it really doesn't matter.
Sue: You just accomplished nothing.

Used in a sentence: Joe got a SUPERFICIAL HIGH from winning Rockband
by Emmauw109 October 21, 2009
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