by PRwiz101 November 2, 2009
by Nerevar July 11, 2004
by yinks April 2, 2005
"Dude, he is stoopid fly!" "Damn, you bought stoopid chips for this party! We'll never be able to eat all these!"
by Seph November 5, 2002
A phrase commonly used by recently incarcerated New York rapper, “Tekashi69”. Used in a situation when someone does or says something so retarded, he must be called a stoopid bozo.
by GoCrazyBayBay January 22, 2019
Whatever you call stoopid, means that it is so stupid that it dosen't even deserve the right way to say it
by starwarsfan123 January 15, 2018
"are you dumb, stoopid or dumb?!"
by diabloツ May 11, 2020