by Alden Myrerin April 19, 2005
by The Return of Light Joker December 6, 2007
when you go nuts from sitting in one place too long, like when you get fidgety at the end of a 3 hour lecture. charicterized by repeating the same task over and over, fussing over everything, and percieving the clock as moving in slow motion.
by maxzilla April 12, 2005
by pussy bee October 26, 2019
stir crazy / stur crazy:
Fits of soul-sucking boredom often accumulated with those who do not have a life. See: internet and porn.
Fits of soul-sucking boredom often accumulated with those who do not have a life. See: internet and porn.
by I AM BOB! April 20, 2009
today i went stir crazy in the movie theatre when I saw syriana so I went to the bathroom to cool off, however I missed the last 25 minutes which may have actually been interesting. Make sure to take a heavy dosage of aderall before you see syriana
by my humps December 31, 2005
Person A: Susan from accounting said I ate her , but I didn't.
Person B: Susan from accounting is stir fry crazy, what do you expect.
Person B: Susan from accounting is stir fry crazy, what do you expect.
by ProbablyInsane November 3, 2018