
1) To act in a manner similar to squall leonhart.
2) To angst, hide away from everyone else, and listen to Linkin Park and/or Evanescence.
"Dude, I wish he would quit squalling and pick up his phone."
by Zell_of_Lincoln December 31, 2005
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The accumulation of genital and butt sweat in the taint area.
It was so dam hot I formed a squall. I worked so hard I squall'd.
by Ruby-steve July 17, 2010
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a slang term for an ugly mofo who no one would fuck
chad: lol your a ``squall``
tim: dude im not that ugly
by poon_tang June 22, 2007
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1.When you refer to a guy having no balls.
2.Probably the worst protagonist in Final Fantasy history, alongside Vaan.
1.For christ sake, Squall, just bang her already!
2.Gamer 1: Who's that crying in the corner of the screen?
Gamer 2: Oh, that's just Squall, he's a crybaby.
Gamer 1: Yeah, this game sucks.
Gamer 2: Don't you have Final Fantasy Anthology, 7,9, and 12
Gamer 1: Hell yeah, those games were waaayyy better than

by FF Fan December 15, 2008
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To deny getting it in with a girl who's pretty much throwing herself at you and not doing it subtly.
Quistis totally wanted to do me! But I Squalled her good!
by themelodythatfits August 27, 2011
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Ur a squall... U know what a squall is.. A PAIN IN MY ASS!
by Mrs. Steal Your Girl December 15, 2010
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Chocolate squall

The absolute torrential evacuation of the bowels, literally causing the water and liquid shit in the toilet to circle with gale force speeds, causing utter destruction to everything in the bathroom.
Dave unleashed a chocolate squall in the upstairs bathroom, causing our can ceiling lights to rain shit for a week.
by Mad Mick! September 7, 2016
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