
a person who thoroughly enjoys watching shock videos
Joe: have you seen 2girls1cup? that is the shit!
by Jonyleeson January 3, 2009
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The dance one does when they are too drunk or high to wipe their own arse, let alone try to move with any kind of rhythmic coordination.

Related terms: doing the spung, spungin' it, getting your spung on.
Phil: I was so spannered last night!
Dave: No shit bro, check out this video of you trying to dance to Party Rock Anthem!
Phil: I hate that fucking song...
Dave: Really? Because you appear to be SPUNGING your balls off.
Phil: Shit, I'm totally doing the SPUNG.
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A Yemirt, Tutorial, Small Man, and/or Small Man Spungus
"Man that Yemirt is such a Spung, lol, bad, gg's."
by Big_Guy_Man March 13, 2021
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Something that is so appalling and terrible that words cannot describe it
That football player is total spung, I hope he gets shot.
by Appocolyptik December 11, 2006
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The type of guy who jerks himself off and nuts in his own eye like a beee-yach.
That guy, you know, the one who tried to eat his underwear to beat the breathalyzer, he was a real spung - bungler. Fucker got off though.
by Kairan November 18, 2003
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Sad, bitter, dismal, heartbroken, melancholy, mournful, pessimistic, somber, sorrowful, sorry, wistful, bereaved, blue, cheerless, dejected, despairing, despondent, disconsolate, distressed, doleful, down, down in dumps, down in mouth, downcast, forlorn, gloomy, glum, grief-stricken, grieved, heartsick, heavyhearted, hurting, in doldrums, in grief, in the, dumps, languishing, low, low-spirited, lugubrious, morbid, morose, out of sorts, pensive, sick at heart, troubled, weeping, woebegone
Jim: Man, I'm feeling really spunged right now.
Chris: Just listen to the David Attenborough BBC Nature Documentary Remembrance Soundtrack, you'll feel 10x better!
by SupahSalt November 5, 2020
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