a term of affection/endearment describing something cute, but also probably stinky. (could apply to a person, animal, stuffed animal, whatever it fits for)
person 1: your stuffed animal you've had for 7 years is spinky as heck, he's so cute
person 2: i know i love him! i've cuddled him every night.
by fizzy bomb March 17, 2021
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o0o this new pc is spinky!
by james April 11, 2005
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To be under the influence of an illicit substance, i.e. alcohol, cocaine, etc.
Origins beleived to be from Westchester County, but spreading fast into Fairfield County.

other forms- spinks, spinked
Dude, I got so spinky in my free that I bombed my physics test next period.

Ah man I was spinked off my ass and pissed off a balcony.
by brick tamland July 8, 2005
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aaagh that hurt, that dude just kicked me in my spinky.

I got a reeming the other day and I think hey tore my spinky
by Kaffdeluxe2 September 16, 2008
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a word combining the terms spoopy and kinky
that ethan guy over there is spinky
by bigiest_spinky April 3, 2018
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a term that combines spiffy and kinky.
well wasnt that spinky?
by helennn May 14, 2008
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