The language of a person when they lag so hard while on FaceTime or zoom that only computer noises are heard when they speak.
I can't hear a thing you just fucking said, you're speaking computer
by theurbanpoet69 April 26, 2020
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when someone is so drunk and slurring their words, that if you wrote it down it wouldn't be in print it would be in cursive writing.
Last night Joe was so drunk, i couldn't understand him. It was like he was speaking cursive.
by danceteach February 11, 2010
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what a fat american dumbass says when they don’t know what another language
Covlozs: видишь этого тупого американца? она, наверное, собирается сказать нам какую-то глупость
A fat bitchy karen: Shut up russian terrorists! speak american
Covlozs: что я тебе сказал
by Joey Jackson Johnson June 30, 2022
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A company founded in 2005 by bob and suzanne wright after hearing the devastating news that their grandson christian was diagnosed with autism and so they were hell bent on finding a cure so they can bring their son back from the dead from their own delusional world. This company is despised by many autistics like me because of their idea of curing autism and autism being tragic because it destroys marriages, bankrupts their families, and the use of biomedical treatment to possibly harm or kill autistics.
Autism speaks speaks all lies about autistics in saying we are tragic and are responsible of the destruction of our parent's marriages and causing them to go bankrupt but in reality that's all lies because we learn how to love our parents and be able to enjoy life unlike what autism speaks says in their autism every day video. Autism speaks can go to hell for all I care because of their idea to cure autism for good and without it there would be no me anymore.
by avidgames91091 October 18, 2011
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To talk really fast but with regular longish pauses.
'I... wannastopthosecriminals...but...ireallycantdoanythingaboutit'
'Wow, you talk in Clegg speak'
by This_Is_Not_A_Name April 19, 2010
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The fake, imitation accent people do to sound like indie singers when they sing. Often when people speak cursive the words are slurred, and hard to understand.
I totally sounded like Halsey when I was speaking cursive.
by jawanna blowme? February 29, 2020
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When someone talks the way that Grace Vanderwaal sings
-Yo, how can I annoy my girl
-Just start speaking cursive like “gRaCe VaNdERwaAl
by twentyfivehundred February 28, 2020
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