6 definitions by Joey Jackson Johnson

what a fat american dumbass says when they don’t know what another language
Covlozs: видишь этого тупого американца? она, наверное, собирается сказать нам какую-то глупость
A fat bitchy karen: Shut up russian terrorists! speak american
Covlozs: что я тебе сказал
by Joey Jackson Johnson June 30, 2022
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melon be smellin is a series in tiktok by the user@melon.n.finn . the series started out with melon but then went on with its co-show: finn gets a sniff in. how the series started when melon smelt baby bel cheese, and if she didn’t like the smell, which he didn’t, he would make a very vulgar face that would probably make you laugh. since then he’s gain recognition on tiktok as being a very funny dude with his cats melon.n.finn . 10/10 series for anyone watching, 12/10 for cat lovers like me.
twitch chat: watch melon be smellin
joe bartolozzi: dude what
*10 minutes of watching melon.n.finn later
joe bartolozzi: this is so great dude i love it so much.
by Joey Jackson Johnson August 3, 2022
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a shit that unbelievably came out of someone’s asshole. the human asshole can only stretch up to 7-8 inches. this shit that some mf took us about 14 inches wide and 17 inches long. it is so astronomically huge that it is the guineas world records. this shit is so unbelievably huge that you can use it as a weight at the gym. if you or someone you know and love took a massive shit like this, be glad. Glad that you are related to them/and/or know them.
Fat albert: I just took a mammoth shit
Steve jobs: Seriously? let me check it out
Steve jobs: HOLY SHIT. ITS A HOLY SHIT! your so fucking awesome!
by Joey Jackson Johnson July 11, 2022
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if you have the legendary hero luck in state of survival. you can get away with a lot of things. for example, you can key someone’s car, steal food, kill people, you can do anything you please with no repercussion. if you get the legendary hero lucky. consider yourself…. lucky.
Joey: *orders food*
Quandale: *Steals food*
joey: hey man what the fuck!
Quandale: Shut up, i got the legendary hero lucky in state of survival! i can do what i please
Joey: oh my, i’m so sorry your highness, forgive my stubbornness. you enjoy my food that i ordered
by Joey Jackson Johnson July 19, 2022
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A non-dahoodian is someone who doesn’t play dahood on roblox. If you are one of these people, keep up the good work champ. I’m proud of you.
Dahoodian: wanna play dahood bestie?
a cool person: no I don’t play dahood.
Dahoodian: so ur a non-dahoodian?
a cool person: ye ig
Dahoodian: cool gj
by Joey Jackson Johnson October 19, 2022
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