8 definitions by theurbanpoet69
A truly strange specimen that goes against the laws of human nature. A simp slut is a female that, for some fucked up reason, has a fetish for simps. This phenomenon to this day cannot be explained by any scientific experts. Simp sluts are truly rejected by society all together. The girls do not claim her, and the boys throw her to the streets. The only people that fuck with simp sluts are true simps themselves.
by theurbanpoet69 April 25, 2020
by theurbanpoet69 April 26, 2020
A girl or group of girls designed to brith the worst of simps. They lure them in quickly by leading them on at a constant rate. Then just when the simp thinks he has a chance, and shoots his shot...they shut him down like the cold hearted bitches they are.
by theurbanpoet69 May 16, 2020
A rare breed of the simp family. An asshole simp is a type of simp that not only spends his time chasing females, but also manages to come off as a dick at the same time. Asshole simps are often rejected from both the female(s) he chases as well as the boys. There should be no sympathy for these creatures.
by theurbanpoet69 April 25, 2020
The language of a person when they lag so hard while on FaceTime or zoom that only computer noises are heard when they speak.
by theurbanpoet69 April 26, 2020
A being that is not quite human. He/she usually goes against all social norms, and constantly questioned for everything they do by society. Specimens minds work in strange ways, such as acting like they might have turrets, ADHD, and schizophrenia all at the same time. They might be one of the weirdest creations on Earth, but are extremely entertaining to watch.
by theurbanpoet69 April 25, 2020
by theurbanpoet69 April 26, 2020