UK: Used to describe the fifty pence piece due to its seven sided design and its resembelence to a nut*.

*As in nut and bolt.
Customer: Barman! can I have change for the cig machine.
Barman: How much do y' need?
Customer: A couple of spanner jobs should sort it, ta!
by Blue Cawdrey November 21, 2004
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An Australian colloquialism for an oxy acetylene torch used to cut metals.
Can't get the bolt off Bob, I'm going to have to use the blue tongue spanner
by Mykemyke March 1, 2022
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Spanner - cocaine and MDMA. 2. An idiot/spencer. 3. A problem i.e. to throw a spanner in the clockwork.
Screwdriver - orange juice and vodka. 2. A knife with a chipped off tip. 3. A twisting punch that does internal dammage.
Im totally spanskrew man, too many spanner's to many screwdriver's.

Get a spanner and screwdriver down your neck man.
by Step lupid May 30, 2024
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A hammer. Suggests that workers in the dockyard are heavy handed and use brute force and wrong tools to achieve desired outcome, regardless of collateral damage caused.
"Pass me that dockyard spanner, would you, old fruit? I need to jolly well tap this nail in."
by Shackleford Hurtmore February 12, 2013
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