by SUNBATHER April 7, 2019
by Senor Tim Smith December 16, 2004
To be "Flabby", "Squidgy" and slightly "Stinky" whilst simultaneously being quite damned gorgeous in a "Midgety" kind of way. This often refers to small Grand-daughters who are quite wobbly like a portly bum cheek that has been recently flicked and is in partial resonation.
by Diedric McSpurglejunken October 18, 2020
A Skrunky, or Skrunk, is a nasty boi. He looks like a deformed tortilla with feet and ears. No on knows if he’s eating a marshmallow or if it’s a tooth. Either way, Ewwy.
by SophiaMae February 28, 2019
by Gremmlin August 20, 2021
To hit that skrunky or to be skrunky is a mindset.
In order to live that skrunky life you have to embrace that you're a flawed, meaningless speck in the vast universe.
It is embracing that you're extremely flawed, suffer some overwhelming deficit Looks, intelligence, charisma, wealth, etc and overall will be forgotten long before you die.
It is a self-loving monster and to relinquish control over shit that doesn't ultimately matter.
It's a form of rejection of outside pressure, a Nirvana, a bliss of total rejection.
In order to live that skrunky life you have to embrace that you're a flawed, meaningless speck in the vast universe.
It is embracing that you're extremely flawed, suffer some overwhelming deficit Looks, intelligence, charisma, wealth, etc and overall will be forgotten long before you die.
It is a self-loving monster and to relinquish control over shit that doesn't ultimately matter.
It's a form of rejection of outside pressure, a Nirvana, a bliss of total rejection.
by InfinitelyTheWorst June 9, 2023