Skrink is the best thing in the world that someone can be. It's very hard to become one. It's short for skrinkle. A skrod is the complete opposite short for skroddle and its very easy to become one. It's the worst thingin the whole world and the worst insault. Lauryn and stef are perment skrinks.
by Lauryn and Stef November 12, 2006
by saturnmeow March 13, 2022
by Colton Hughes April 30, 2005
by TheAntiSkrink May 11, 2021
A describing word for something enjoyable, pleasing to the eyes. Like a soft cat. Something that brings good to the world.
by saturnmeow March 13, 2022
by lionhero June 3, 2009
by skrink lives matter February 26, 2021