
hey girl you gonna let me hit dem skinz
by babybear May 11, 2005
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skinz is a ball sack aka skinzbag
tom is a real skinz,or rob u remind me of a skinz,or ur face is a s wrinkled as a skinz
by mr jonesberry April 22, 2009
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"Hit the skinz hard, she'll hang on to the bedpost, Then I drop my load, then get up and make some french toast"

Listen to 'Skinz' by Pete Rock & CL Smooth
by Maxpowers5240 February 13, 2011
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cigarette rollin papers used to roll spliffs. usually the 'rizla king size silver slims'
yo bruv. got nuff skunk 2dai..can ya get me sum skinz doe fam? den we can av a sesh n get mangled.
by Ba$$ SiK July 27, 2007
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turtle skinz

someone who wearz tha preppie stuff or makez fun of blackz but are black!preppie jock people!!!
john you wear too much turtle skinz or u belong with tha preppie turtle skinz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!holla
by nick tha pimp March 17, 2003
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Reptile Skinz

A device used to weigh out " substances. "
Go get me the Reptile Skinz, so I can move this weight.
by The BAJA HUMP3R August 30, 2021
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