
Having no money. To be broke.
by Elliott Hughes April 20, 2003
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adj: lacking funds, broke; (a british slang term)
That guy sleeping on the park bench is probably pretty skint.
by moodslag October 22, 2002
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adj. to be skint,
. out of money/poor.
"Lend us a cig, I'm skint."
by Sammy Jones January 12, 2006
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adjective. pertaining to being poor, out of money, or broke. British in origin, it is derived from 'skinned'
"I'm way too skint to go drinkin' tonight, mate"
by Legge September 18, 2006
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i'm totally skint, bro.
by sharonki January 17, 2005
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Scottish translation of being "broke" no money , or lack of money.
"yaw ayee right pall ", "ayeee , but a cannay go oot taenight...."," how not...?" "COS IM SKINT"...
by Rizzle Dizzle 2011 August 19, 2011
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having little or no money available

origin: unknown
"she was skint and unable to pay for a complimentary drink for herself, until a nice boy invited her to sit with him and ordered two coffees."
by aImondmiIk June 21, 2019
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