A term that dumb people use when ther refer to a skater.
He was a sk8ter boy, she said see you later boy.
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lo life fags who think there tough shit. think jumping over a crack in the side walk is big air! they need to get a real life and ride bmx
" yo im such a good sk8ter i can olli 3 inches!"
by x3bmx June 19, 2007
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A Sk8ter listens to Punk-pop eg. Blink 182, Sum 41, Green day, Simple Plan.

Usualy wherez DC's, Converse and Vans. Also Quicksilver, Billabong, Animal and o'niell. (ECT)!

They hate F*!£@#g Chavs.

Hang around with Moshers, Emos, Punks, other sk8ters, (Rockers).

Usualy found in City centers and sk8 parks in USA, UK, NZ & AU.
Tony Hawk ECT.
Naccerd converse, baggy trousers.
You will see in suberban parks in the UK a war with and chavs. sk8ters hate chaves and think they are gay weenerz.
by Jo Brooke March 31, 2006
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There are many types of girl sk8ters with different 'unique' personalities . Through the ages there are different types and some are annoying, i agree.So here enjoy you self:

9th & 10th graders: these teens are emo e-girls who dont give a frick about life, saying they only date former e-boys. The pic on there skateboards and skulls or something around death. You never find them at skate parks if you do there in 6th grade.

7th & 8th graders: these girls are 'trendy' or 'vsco' and ride there penny boards , sitting on them going down the hill holding hands, make tiktoks including their boards and tagging #sk8ter #emo in the vids. Always posting pics on insta about 'friendship goals'. Life is sunshine and puppys, even tho there failing there class.

6th - 4th graders: ride normal skateboards and minding their beeswax and saying floater every other second. Saying they had their first kiss with a skater, they pretty much do nothing sooooo...
girl sk8ters are annoying
by Emmi in my tummi May 15, 2020
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“Hey sk8ter thank you could put some Red Bull in these vending machines?” “Later Sk8ter.”
by Ahhshdhd October 9, 2020
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