Letting off Shots, Firing on someone;
Going in on something, going crazy
"Wagwan Bruv"
"Fuckin Shellin bruv. Can't stop me."
by Grrrcko August 23, 2018
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A term used in Eastern NC when one of your friends is nowhere to be found, because he/she is trying to avoid having to tell you they are doing something better than hanging out with you.
John: What's Dave doing?
Adam: Man, I tried calling him to; he's got to be shellin with his girl.

Mark: Man wtf is up with Pat? I haven't heard from his ass in a week.
John: No clue dude he's a shell motherfucker.

Alice: What's Alyssa up to?
Mary: She didn't text me back either, I think she's shellin for some reason.
by shellfacenb11 December 2, 2010
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When an individual is wearing nothing but the outer layers of clothing and nothing underneath. no shirt, no underwear, no socks. just shoes, pants, and a jacket or sweatshirt of some sort.
Mike: dude, arent you hot wearin that jacket and pants?
Dude: nahhh man, im shellin, it feels so good.

Jim: gosh, feels wierd being all dressed up while at the beach.
Jake: everytime i come down here im always shellin it.
by D-man jiggaboo April 5, 2011
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If some person is clearly in a state of unsureness or apprehension over a particular matter.
John : Look at that dude over there...
Claire: Thats mark, He is waiting for his results from the clinic...

John: Makes sense then, dude be egg shellin
by rufus vin June 19, 2012
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Attacking or controlling another country's territory illegally by means of war.
The Russia-Ukraine crisis that is currently going on, is an example where countries shellinate each other.
by aanaa-khandelwal October 4, 2022
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When someone is hidin' or coverin' himself not to Be seen by anyone..
John always like shellin'whenever he sees dogs.
by Esto milli. September 14, 2020
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It means hidin' or stayin' under somethin' that can protect you from been seen by people.
Judge stole the money and then went shellin' we couldn't fine him.
by Esto milli. September 14, 2020
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