That new Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder is the sheks.
Have you played the new Modern Warfare game? It's the proper sheks.
Have you played the new Modern Warfare game? It's the proper sheks.
by Fruitbat March 9, 2010
Sheks, mostly used as a nickname. Very attractive stud. He's good at pleasing women in all there needs especially in bed. He's is usually a calm guy that is great to be friends with. Sexy and has a broad chest, he tends to date girls he might not be in love with but falls in love along the way. Very caring in nature. Rare but Gold!
by Mr Knowledgeable😏 December 4, 2021
by ineedalife79 April 7, 2019
the state of being so extremely beautiful from the mere samplings of dirt, poop, or not showering for an extensive period
toph: pau, you look amazing. how do you do it?
pau: oh, i just use fecal matter every now and again
toph: girl, you shek shek pahfect
pau: oh, i just use fecal matter every now and again
toph: girl, you shek shek pahfect
by topher zimkas February 17, 2009
by Menominee916 March 15, 2021