A musician who frequents music sessions; can refer to either a studio musician or a jam session enthusiast.
by Seshie February 21, 2017
A portmanteau between the informal terms “quicky” and “sesh” meaning the act of intercourse in a short amount of time (usually under 3 minutes). Most often ends in disappointment.
by Thisisntshaqqo September 5, 2023
by Iloveass9999 May 21, 2018
Literally; like a sexy fish. Often used to refer to someone who is both sexy and fish like, therefore similar to a sexy fish.
by bob bobertson of bobtopia February 3, 2009
by jacob jorjor September 15, 2013
Dan: “When will Seshi be there?”
Jim: “Oh she’s just eating her wasabi peas right now, should be here in about ten”
Jim: “Oh she’s just eating her wasabi peas right now, should be here in about ten”
by fulumpus November 22, 2021