A death sentence is either referring to death row, or referring to a disease with no such cure or treatment, or is very hard to cure or treat. This also applies to injuries as well.
by I'm a stranger! :D November 19, 2020
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a person that is giving a sentence, say that they want to kill themselves or just being suicidal and expressing it too someone or in a book that contains suicidal sentences.
suicidal sentence is someone expressing themselves to someone else.

for example;

person: you can tell me. what happened?
you (anyone): i hate myself so much. i want too rip my heart out so I can no longer breathe. no one wants me here, Im worthless, I’m useless, I hate everyone, and everyone hates me. I wanna stab myself, I wanna shoot my brains out, everyone wants me dead, even my parents, siblings, my cousins, aunts, uncles, my friends, literally EVERYONE. I hate my life. I’m gonna kill myself.

person: I am so sorry (name), I don’t think your worthless at all, you are a wonderful human being, those people don’t deserve you, I’ll be with you whenever you need me, I swear, you are not worthless, no one is worthless, everyone is special in their own way, you shouldn’t say those things about yourself, you are very precious too me. I swear, I’ll always be on you side, even when you need me the most, it doesn’t matter what your in trouble for or whatever, but just know I’m always on your side :).
by Изабель March 25, 2023
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A sentence that does not end with the completion of its main clause, but continues with one or more subordinate clauses or other modifiers.

It is also known as a Cumulative Sentence. Writers use these types of sentences when they want to put forth the main idea first, and provide details to elucidate the idea further thereafter. They use these details in the form of dependent or subordinate phrases or clauses.

These types of sentences work better in various forms of writing, specifically in explaining theories, by giving the main idea at the beginning, and then adding more information to build up the idea further.
Llanblethian hangs pleasantly, with its white cottages, and orchard and other trees…” (The Life of John Sterling, by Thomas Carlyle) This is a good example of a loose sentence.
by CrispyFudge July 29, 2022
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A sentence that is excruciating long, as it goes on without a period. Not recommended by anyone, especially people who have to read what you wrote.
Person 1: So today I had this really weird experience where a random guy gave a hot dog to me and walked away, but then later he came back and wanted the hot dog back even though I just ate it, so he called the cops and pinned me to a lamppost but I escaped and told everyone on the next street that there was this lunatic with hot dogs and they should avoid that street but they thought I was a lunatic so they chased me around the city until I got on a train and rode to Oakland where some really buff dudes wanted my money for some reason so they chased me around the city until some cop cars ran them over, but the cops heard about me so they shot at me and I stole their guns and shot them in the face but then this lady heard me shoot them so I shot her and I started running and there were helicopters and explosions and I may have just taken out the entire police force of Oakland, and come to think of it, I did drop that nuke on Oakland so maybe everyone there is dead, what do you think?
Person 2: I'm calling the cops.
Person 1 then shoots Person 2 in the face.
-An example of a run-on-sentence
by ThatPyro March 19, 2016
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1. My girlfriend is being a psycho Hoe's beast today! Ya shes on her end of the sentence this week.

2. Its her end of the sentence time of month this week.
by Nothinbutfacials May 4, 2009
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topic sentence
Use a topic sentence to show how your paragraph contributes to the development of your argument by moving it that one extra step forward.
by Iceblade February 12, 2018
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You guys should know this one...
A sentence that contains all the letters of the alphabet.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

So if thats Alpha Sentence...what's Beta Sentence?
by PornSoldier December 13, 2006
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