5 definitions by Nothinbutfacials

1. My girlfriend is being a psycho Hoe's beast today! Ya shes on her end of the sentence this week.

2. Its her end of the sentence time of month this week.
by Nothinbutfacials May 4, 2009
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1. Good girl. The type of girl you can bring home to your mom, marry, and has just the right amount of good and bad in her. A girl you can bring around your friends and not be embarrassed.
1. Hey man you met a real GG last night at that club.
by Nothinbutfacials May 4, 2009
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1. the act of getting freaky in the bedroom

2. the act of getting crazy

3. an expression to something fun or exciting

1. We need to get dirty tonight baby

2. we gettin straight dirty tonight at the bar?

3. I slammed 37 beers last night, Thats dirty
by Nothinbutfacials May 4, 2009
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1. Dirty Girl. a girl that is dirty. A whore, or slut. The type of girl that will let you do anal on her. The type of girl that when you leave for a couple minutes, she will get eiffel towered by your friends
1. Last night I hooked up with a serious DG man, I mean for real she let me take a dump on her chest
by Nothinbutfacials May 4, 2009
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