11 definitions by ThatPyro

A joke made by Rooster Teeth in the Rooster Teeth Podcast #201.
It comes from a story Burnie Burns (the co-founder of Rooster Teeth) told about Daniel Gruchy (a friend of Rooster Teeth and fellow Youtuber) getting confused about the McDonald's menu, as he thought they read left to right instead of top to bottom, ending with the result "Big Mac Chicken Legend Sundae".
McDonald's Employee: Welcome to McDonald's, what do you want?
Dan: Um...I'll have a...um...
McDonald's Employee: We need you to respond sir, you're holding up the line.
Dan: Fine, I'll have a Big Mac Chicken Legend Sundae.
McDonald's Employee: Excuse me?
Dan: What, are they sold out or something?
McDonald's Employee: I'm sorry, I just...just pick something else.
Dan: How about a Chicken Nugget Sausage McMuffin Coca-Cola.
Gavin, who has been standing behind Dan this entire time, calls Dan a "fucking idiot", turns around, and walks away.
by ThatPyro February 29, 2016
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A person who is overly obsessed with a certain company or franchise and will defend it from any person who dislikes it no matter what. To see a person that likes a company or franchise, but isn't completely obsessed with it, see fan.
Two friends are having a conversation at the mall.
Friend 2: Dude, have you seen the latest Smosh video?
Friend 1: Nah. I used too like Smosh, but now they're just recycling jokes to make more money.
*Another guy hears Friend 1's complaints and runs up to him*
*The guy runs away from the two friends, screaming and yelling*
Friend 2: Yeesh, what a fanboy.
Friend 1: Yeah, he was so butthurt. At least I'm not as fanboyish as hi- OH MY GOD IS THAT A NEW POKEMON GAME? I LOVE POKEMON!
Friend 2: I don't know why I'm your friend.
by ThatPyro July 17, 2015
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A joke made by Jon Jafari on his online comedy gaming show, Jontron. This joke occurs during the "Titenic" episode, where the creators of a Titanic game fatally misspelled Titanic. Jon has partnered with music channel Schmoyoho to make a song called Titenic: The JonSong, which is a musical montage about Jontron and Titenic.
How could they mistake Titanic for Titenic if they're making a game about it?!
by ThatPyro June 18, 2015
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A phrase that is used to state that what the other person is saying is obvious.
"Captain Obvious, he's our hero! He's gonna tell you what you already know!"
2 men are walking together outside during the zombie apocolypse. Suddenly, a zombie leaps out of some bushes he was hiding in, and rushes at the 2 men. One of the men takes out a shotgun and blows the guy's head off. The 2 men watch in horror as he collapses to the ground, blood gushing from his neck. "Oh my goodness! I think he's dead!" One of the men say. The other man looks at him and says, "Thanks, Captain Obvious." Frustrated, the first man takes his gun and blows his head off. The second man falls to the ground, blood gushing from his neck. "Oh my goodness! I think he's dead!" The man exclaims.
by ThatPyro August 11, 2015
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A crowd-funding website where you give money to a company, artist, filmmaker, game developer, etc. to fund their project. A project could be anything, like a game, product, album, film, etc. If you pledge enough money, you can get rewards given to you by the maker of the project. Generally, it's a website that allows people to make their projects with money from the Internet.
Did you see the new Kickstarter? The original Banjo-Kazooie developers want to make a spiritual successor!
by ThatPyro August 11, 2015
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#1: A brand of spiced ham (hence the name) that was sold.
#2: A type of advertising found in electronic and physical mail.
#3: A constant use of a word, sentence, or number of sentences on the Internet and online games. The use of Spam in this definition was based off a sketch in Monty Python's Flying Circus where the word "Spam" was constantly used throughout the entire sketch.
A server is playing a match of a first-person shooter. This was found in the chat.
SketchGamer: Stop using spam!
by ThatPyro July 17, 2015
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