Thousands of years ago, before the dawn of man as we knew him, there was Sir Santa of Claus, an ape-like creature making crude and pointless toys out of mammoth bones and his own waste. Hurling them at chimp like creatures with crinkled hands, regardless of how they behaved the previous year. These so called toys were buried as witches and defecated upon and hurled at predators that were awoken by the searing grunts of their children. It wasn't a holly-jolly Christmas that year, for many were killed...

A warlike race of elves from the tenth planet landed on the ice-encased Earth and were immeadiatly enslaved by the unevolved Santa-ape to make his toys using galatic elven technology. For ever more fancier models, toys were made into recognizable shapes and given names like "train." But these toys were also thrown at predators and defecated upon because they were so stupid, Christmas still sucked in a big way.
Now he is a machine.
by John January 14, 2004
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Fatass nigger that sneaks into your house & brings ya greedy ass kids presents.
That santa bol was fucking elfs
by suckondat November 23, 2016
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SATAN spelled wrong due to a mix up at the factory.
Oh shit! It says Santa not Satan...well, it sounds pretty good, and if we cover him up in some big red fur coat nobody will notice!
by Peter Adams January 7, 2004
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Someone, something, or some event that is awesome or magical.
Our trip to Disney World was so santa.
by BandGiggles2017 February 27, 2017
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The practice of breaking and entering homes under the pretext of 'leaving gifts.'
Conjugation of 'To Santa'
Police log: "We caught another man santaing at 34 Main Street. Request backup; he has live reindeer."
by TheMagicUnicorn December 13, 2010
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the one jesus hates for hogging the spot light during christmas time
"mommy, why do they call santa time, christmas, shouldn't it be santamas ?"
by gravisan November 18, 2006
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Karl Marx, Lennin, and Poppa Smurf all had beards. 2/3 Are communists. Santa has a beard <i> and </i> dresses in red. He must be a commie.
by Nick January 4, 2004
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