the verb to forgive, in Arabic, in its form of the present of the imperative. I.e. it is an order, as in: FORGIVE!

Ya ahl el Samah, ya bakht men Sameh,

It is a song that means, "to those of you who believe in forgiveness, lucky is the person who forgives"
by SES October 23, 2007
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Sameh Is a person that is goofy and he has sense of humor and he fools around to much and gets in trouble a lot
Sameh Got In Trouble By His Teacher And His Mother Had To Pick Him Up From School
by Fluid June 1, 2019
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Is a very strong person usually bullies, always rejects girls, always gets in trouble, he has a charming face, and is always stronger than his school and has a lot of other good traits
Sameh, is such a strong boy
by Sushshnshdyyrgehsjakwiehd November 17, 2019
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A short midget who's calls other people names that no one understands the meaning of. He's also a great actor, starring in movies such as Charlie and the Chocolate factory as an umpa-lumpa; also as one of Snow White's seven dwarves. Aside from his acting career he also has a natural talent in dancing, which really showed when he was recorded playing Just Dance with his friends at a sleepover. And he's also pretty thicc.
*guy comments on how big a girl's butt is*

Friend replies "But she's no where near as thicc as SAMEH."
by twink678 May 24, 2018
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A guy who possesses a charming sense of humor, and that is very charismatic. Cool to be around and fun to argue with.
by Omar Shehata January 4, 2018
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He is a sexy guy and hot, everyone loves him. He is very kind and you are lucky to have him as friend or date
You are such a Mohamed Sameh
by HelloThere.883 April 5, 2022
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A true legend to man kind. Sameh is the best in the world and inspires many in almaskolan. He is not gay.
"who are you?"
"I am Sameh Halim"
by UNKNOWN BEAST May 2, 2019
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