Person A: "Will Britney lose custody of her boys today?"
Person B (Rotsky): "That should be 'Will Britney LOOSE custody of her boys today?'. Sorry. Pet peeve."
Person B (Rotsky): "That should be 'Will Britney LOOSE custody of her boys today?'. Sorry. Pet peeve."
by fuoliani September 18, 2007
The act of 'correcting' the spelling of a word that was spelled correctly into an incorrect spelling; a word or phrase with such a 'correction'.
He pulled a rotsky when he commented "<b>submitter:</b> <i>Will Britney <s>lose</s> loose custody of her boys today?</i>
Sorry. Pet peeve."
Sorry. Pet peeve."
by Squeez Cheez September 19, 2007
rotsky (rot - skee) n., v., adj. A completely avoidable fail meme: The act of incorrectly correcting a person that has committed a homonym error.
"submitter: Will Britney lose custody of her boys today?"
That should be "Will Britney loose custody of her boys today?"
Sorry. Pet peeve.
This has been a rotsky.
That should be "Will Britney loose custody of her boys today?"
Sorry. Pet peeve.
This has been a rotsky.
by RickyDMMontoya September 18, 2007
rotsky (rot - skee) n., v., adj. A completely avoidable meme: The act of making a lame joke what causes every liter in the vicinity to accuse the joker of idiocy.
rotsky (rots - kee) n., v., adj. An internet cliche originating with the website Fark.
rotsky (rots - kee) n., v., adj. An internet cliche originating with the website Fark.
Example: Person A: Will Britney lose custody of her boys today?
rotsky: Sorry that should be "Will Britney loose her kids today?"
All: Wow rotsky can't spel, what a Moran!
The term "lose" was originally correct and was corrected incorrectly intentionally incorrectly corrected by the rotsky (sorry, pet peeve).
rotsky: Sorry that should be "Will Britney loose her kids today?"
All: Wow rotsky can't spel, what a Moran!
The term "lose" was originally correct and was corrected incorrectly intentionally incorrectly corrected by the rotsky (sorry, pet peeve).
by zooyorkfreak September 17, 2007
To attempt to correct the grammar or word usage of another poster in an online forum when the original usage was correct to begin with. Someone "pulling a Rotsky" will often state that the original usage is their pet peeve.
by the_original_roxtar September 18, 2007
Formily a username, to rotsky means to utterly and totally fail at something all the while trying to show others how it is done, or should be.
Bill: 2 plus 2 equals 4
Ted: No Bill, 2 plus 2 equals 7.987. Sorry I had to correct you, but incorrect spelling is a pet peeve of mine.
John: Uh, Ted, Bill was right, way to rotsky that equation up.
Ted: No Bill, 2 plus 2 equals 7.987. Sorry I had to correct you, but incorrect spelling is a pet peeve of mine.
John: Uh, Ted, Bill was right, way to rotsky that equation up.
by ItchyMcknobster September 24, 2007
rotsky (rot - skee) n., v., adj. A completely avoidable fail meme: The act of incorrectly correcting a person that has committed a homonym error.
Example: Person A: Will Britney lose custody of her boys today?
rotsky: Sorry that should be "Will Britney loose custody of her boys today?"
All: Wow rotsky can't spel, what a Moran!
The term "lose" was originally correct and was corrected incorrectly incorrectly corrected by the rotsky (sorry, pet peeve).
rotsky: Sorry that should be "Will Britney loose custody of her boys today?"
All: Wow rotsky can't spel, what a Moran!
The term "lose" was originally correct and was corrected incorrectly incorrectly corrected by the rotsky (sorry, pet peeve).
by Thujone September 24, 2007